Plutôt que de travailler plus dur, si vous appreniez à travailler plus intelligemment ?
Plus de 190 pages de conseils et stratégies à connaître absolument pour vous créer de nouveaux revenus, les gérer et envoyer votre vie financière dans la bonne direction.
Par l’expert Olivier Seban et l’équipe d’EntrepreneurZ

Once you'll hold your hardcopy... you will know exactly :

The secrets of riches on money

How to double and more your income with real estate

What is THE strategy to definitly get out of middle class and middle life

Your money expoert : O.Seban
Millionnaire at 32... Retired at 35 ans. O.Seban is THE teacher you'd have dreamed to have at school.
Imagine a room fool of investors on their path to wealth... we are at the bi-annual O.Seban seminar. On stage, many of his past students, all with different profils (student, entrepreneurs, salary man...) prove that with the right financial education, it is possible to get rich.
Why it's urgent for you to read this graphic novel ?
Because you are obliged to get rich!
Do you believe in retirement fund ? We don't !
The news show everyday the increasing debt of states and show that it's suicidal to compte only in retirment fund for your futur.
To protect yourself, the solution comes only with your self improvment. Nobody will take care of your finance but you.
You must learn sciences of money !
Once you'll read the book, you'll understand why it's crucial to start now !
Because investing makes you stronger
In life, you should never depend on just one of anything. This is particulary true with your money.
If you have just one income source (your pay check) you are week toward threat. Your boss can ask you anything, your collegues can become unbearable, you will tend to accept those painfull situation being afraid of loosing your only income source.
Imagine now having built your own network of money pipes bringing you several income sources.
You are no more afraid.
In a difficult situation, you can stay proud and say STOP to people that brutalize you because you know that you are raedy to challenge and maybe loose your income source, because you'd still have many more.
The Graphic novel is made for you if...
✅ If you want to create yourself a new income source that will be enough for you to become optimistic
✅ If you want to put a leverage effect on your incomes and send them to the next level
✅ If you just want to learn, grow, and definitly know what the riches are doing to get richer
190 pages drew on your money
Wait a minute, we would like to promise you some things...
NOUS VOUS PROMETTONS QUE The BOOK's value is hundred time its price
The price is what you pay today. The value is what you will create with the knowledge you learn.
I'd personnaly be willing to spend thousands of $ to get back on time and read the book 10 years before.
En lisant la BD, vous verrez qu'il est possible de s'enrichir en suivant des stratégies simples et accessibles à tous. Quelque soit votre situation (étudiant, actif sans CDI etc...). Le chemin est quelque fois plus difficile, mais dans tous les cas, il est possible.
Pour s'enrichir, il y a des choses à connaitre, à faire et d'autres à ne pas faire. Ces choses, nous les avons regroupées et présentées sous un format unique. Maintenant, à vous de les appliquer et de maintenir la dynamique sur le long terme. Sans action, l'apprentissage n'est rien. Après tout, tout le monde a compris qu'il faut manger sainement et faire du sport, ce n'est pas pour autant que tout le monde a un corps d’athlète.
Malheureusement, pour beaucoup, la motivation ne s'achète pas en magasin !
C'est d'ailleurs la raison pour laquelle nous avons décidé de ne pas vendre notre ouvrage en librairie. Nous voulons être lu uniquement par des personnes comme vous, qui se sont données la peine de nous trouver.
Thousands of people already read the book and loved it, here are some of the reviews...

Nicolas Nk

Corentin Peigne

Kevin Monnet

Solenn Duwoye

Phil Ed

Antoine Ducrocq

Valentin Colin

Kevin Thomine
One more thing... before you purshase your copy... remember ...
"Our comic book is not to be read, it's to be lived"
Our graphic novel is world unique... and we created gathering one of the world's best expert on real estate and money science. The content , drawings, schemes, will not only help you understand better, but also remember them quickly (our memory is rather visual)
The book is made like a guide to keep and read amoung your route to wealth.
It is now your best new companion on your road to wealth.
La BD : Tout le monde mérite d'être riche |
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✔Un exemplaire de la toute première BD sur l'enrichissement
✔190 pages de formation en BD
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